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Conditional Formatting to find errors in timesheet report

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  1. #1
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    Conditional Formatting to find errors in timesheet report

    Hello, every week I have to check employees timesheets to see if they coded their time to the correct jobs or divisions. I pull a report in our system which is then exported to Excel and it takes a very long time to look for their errors and then correct each one. That's another story. I was thinking of a conditional formatting that would highlight the errors in red font if they don't meet the criteria. There are a lot of conditions so I don't know if this might need some kind of macro instead.

    Some employees charge their time to their division 712,713,717 or 718. If they charge to any other division other than theirs, its wrong.
    These employees above might also charge their time to active jobs. If they use an active job (which starts with 710000) - according to their division, their sub job is added as shown in the tab called Timesheet Report. Highlighted in blue as an example.

    These employees also charge time to what we call a P-job (a prospective job that hasn't become "active" as the 710000 jobs). These jobs don't have a sub job. they start with "P". However, sometimes they might charge to a P-job that might be inactive. which would literally display the word "inactive" in the report. It only shows in this report, but not displayed when they enter their time. I know.. I know..

    Div. 712 - if they charge to a 710000 job, their sub job is .53 - and their phase and category codes should be 01.3000.00 > LS
    Div. 713 - if they charge to a 710000 job, their sub job is .52 - and their phase and category codes should be 01.3000.00 > LS
    Div. 718 - if they charge to a 710000 job, their sub job is .54 - and their phase and category codes should be 01.3000.00 > LS

    Now, if they are sick, on vacation, an employee should charge his/her time to their division, and it should look like this for example:
    a 712 employee = ZZ712 - 01.3000.00 > SICK or ZZ712 - 01.3000.00 >VACA

    If they are in division 717 - they don't charge time to jobs, only to their division. Another thing with them is this:
    - office employees charge to phase codes 01.3000.00 > TLAD
    - field employees charge their time to 01.3000.00 > TLOE

    There is one job called Foxhound (which is a special job) that if anyone charges their time to it, the phase and category is 01.3000.00 > LR not LS.. But its only for this job.

    I do have one employee that splits his time into 3 divisions - which makes this even more complicated.

    After typing all this up, Macro right? or manual checking?

  2. #2
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    Re: Conditional Formatting to find errors in timesheet report

    I feel that you are more likely to get a response if you could show one example of a correctly filled row and then an example each of the kinds of errors that need to be highlighted.
    Consider taking the time to add to the reputation of everybody that has taken the time to respond to your query.

  3. #3
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    Re: Conditional Formatting to find errors in timesheet report

    Hello, so the timesheet report tab is showing a corrected report. I will attach one where I highlight some error examples in red font. please see attached with notes included.

  4. #4
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    Re: Conditional Formatting to find errors in timesheet report

    It appears that there is already a conditional formatting rule for column I.
    As to column H here are two rules:
    Wrong division: =AND(LEFT(H2,2)="zz",MID(H2,3,3)<>LEFT(D2,3))
    Wrong sub job: =AND(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(".",H2)),INDEX(codes!J$2:J$56,MATCH(B2,codes!K$2:K$74,0))<>MID(H2,8,3))
    Note that the rules are displayed in columns J:K although those columns are not needed for the conditional formatting to work.
    Let us know if you have any questions.

  5. #5
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    Re: Conditional Formatting to find errors in timesheet report

    How come some are giving you a REF error?

  6. #6
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    Re: Conditional Formatting to find errors in timesheet report

    Please make this correction to the sub job conditional formatting formula:
    Formula: copy to clipboard

    Let us know if you have any questions.

  7. #7
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    Re: Conditional Formatting to find errors in timesheet report

    It's working for most of them but this is why I thought this would have to be a macro. This particular employee Alfredo Espinosa charges his time to 3 divisions... as mentioned in my first message.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  8. #8
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    Re: Conditional Formatting to find errors in timesheet report

    Please attach a file that includes employee ID 2644 on the Timesheet Report sheet with your next post.

  9. #9
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    Re: Conditional Formatting to find errors in timesheet report

    Here is the report including the conditional formatting that you added. Thank you by the way.

  10. #10
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    Re: Conditional Formatting to find errors in timesheet report

    To do this with a conditional formatting formula:
    1. Split employee 2644's record into three rows
    2. Use the following CF (Revised Rule) formula: =AND(LEFT(H1274,2)="zz",SUMPRODUCT((codes!M$2:M$76=B1274)*(LEFT(codes!I$2:I$76,5)=LEFT(H1274,5)))=0)
    Let us know if you have any questions.

  11. #11
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    Re: Conditional Formatting to find errors in timesheet report

    perfect, I see what you did.. thank you Jete..

  12. #12
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    Re: Conditional Formatting to find errors in timesheet report

    You're Welcome. Thank You for the feedback and for marking the thread as 'Solved'. I hope that you have a blessed day.

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