Good afternoon everyone
I need to add up each month for each country, I started trying with SomaSes, but it showed some errors. Can you help me?
Thank you
Good afternoon everyone
I need to add up each month for each country, I started trying with SomaSes, but it showed some errors. Can you help me?
Thank you
Last edited by protonLeah; 06-11-2024 at 07:49 PM.
Ben Van Johnson
Worksheet or Tab name : Planilha1
Cell B4 formula , Drag down and across
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Alternative solution:
1. Make row 3 all dates (first of each month) and format the cells to just display the month (Custom>Type mmmm)
2. in cell B4 (copy across and down) =SUMIFS(Export!$E$4:$E$999, Export!$B$4:$B$999,">="&B$3,Export!$B$4:$B$999,"<"&EDATE(B$3,1), Export!$D$4:$D$999,$A4)
3. Format your money cells.
Last edited by Eeza Goodun; 06-12-2024 at 06:45 AM.
Good morning, thank you very much for your help, everything went well
leovilla You're Welcome. Glad to help . Thank You for the feedback.
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