when opening the excel document i get an error.
What is its cause and how to fix it? How do I access my file?
when opening the excel document i get an error.
What is its cause and how to fix it? How do I access my file?
Last edited by AliGW; 01-05-2024 at 05:16 AM. Reason: Error in title fixed
Welcome to the forum.
There is nothing you can do except find a recent backup and go from there.
There are apps out there that claim to fix corrupt files: you could try them, but I doubt that they will work.
Enthusiastic self-taught user of MS Excel who's always learning!
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doesn't sound too promising...
I read an article on this topic, there are many recovery methods, but all of them are somewhat complicated.
So, it shows on the example of Word, the method of recovery using the program itself. Is there such a function in Excel?
PS. I am afraid that I will not lose my file at all.
Last edited by AliGW; 01-08-2024 at 05:24 AM. Reason: Please don't quote unnecessarily - use the Quick Reply button instead.
You could try downloading (free) LibreOffice and see if you could open it in that. Does it have macros?
Or you could try Google sheets. Or Apple Numbers. All depends on what you have readily accessible.
If it's not got sensitive data, you could try uploading it here and see if anyone can extract anything from it.
Trevor Shuttleworth - Retired Excel/VBA Consultant
I dream of a better world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned
'Being unapologetic means never having to say you're sorry' John Cooper Clarke
Excel will usually offer to try and recover a file if it thinks it can. The message you have is a bit more blunt so I suspect not.So, it shows on the example of Word, the method of recovery using the program itself. Is there such a function in Excel?
Second person today (both coincidentally new members of forums) that I've seen post a link to that particular website...
Everyone who confuses correlation and causation ends up dead.
maybe coincided? I can delete, especially since I can't post active links yet...
I'm not a moderator so nothing to do with me. I just found it interesting.
Thank you all for your help. The method described here helped me: hetmanrecovery.com/recovery_news/how-to-fix-damaged-excel-or-word-files-that-do-not-open.htm#plan_11
Excel has an integrated function Open and repair, which can be used to force the application to restore a corrupted document. Select a file in the Open window, look down at the Open button and click on the black arrow to bring out the nested menu. From the list of possible actions, choose Open and repair.
Thanks for sharing your solution.
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