I have 2 sets of simultaneous equations to solve using solver. When I try to get values of X and Y it says that there is no feasible solution when actual values of X and Y exist. Can someone help me use solver to find the values? I may have done something wrong.
2 Equations:
10^12 = x^2 * Y
2 = (3*Y)/X
I set 2 cells as variable cells (C8 for X, and C9 for Y) and used 2 different cells to type the equations. =C8^2 * C9 and = 3*C9/C8. Then I set objective as the first equation (=C8^2*C9) and set value of 10^12. I then added a constraint which was the second equation (=3*C9/C8) and set that equal to 2. Then I pressed solve and excel says there are no feasible solutions