Before you ask, I do not have an actual worksheet yet but will be making one if it's possible to do what I want.
I started a new job and was given a printout of an old spreadsheet that has 40 numbers on it. It is in order by totals and the 40 entries are in dollar amounts.
Example: #1- 2.85. #2- %.70. #3- 8.55. #4- 11.40
What I need is for the order to be by CENT amount and not the total dollar and cents. I do need the total dollar amount, but the sort would be easier to see (I'm dyslexic) if the cents were in order. (I use these numbers to find the fees for the ATM machines we own. If the bank deposit was $1,254.15, I need to find the listed amount with 15 cents in the total to see how much we pay the bank fee.)
I've thought about splitting the dollar and cents into two different columns so I can sort by cents that way but I'd rather not split the total.
Does anyone have any ideas? A formula would be great, some magic Sort option I'm not aware of would be awesome but I'd love to see what y'all can come up with!