I am attempting to get an average of numbers from a column however, these numbers are generated using a formula, like the one below:
=IF($A$5="C1 - Mid (F)",(IF(E5>='base info KS4'!$C$7,"5",IF(E5>='base info KS4'!$C$6,"4",IF(E5>='base info KS4'!$C$5,"3",IF(E5>='base info KS4'!$C$4,"2",IF(E5>='base info KS4'!$C$3,"1",IF(E5>='base info KS4'!$C$2,"0"))))))))
If each of these cells pumped out the numbers 3, 4 and 5 for example in A5, B5, and C5. I want to make an average of the three so I tried doing:
If I wanted this average (3, 4 and 5) I would expect it to pump out 3 but instead it pumps out #DIV0!. Is it because the numbers are generated from a formula and its trying to average a formula? Is there a work around? Any help is very much appreciated, thanks.