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calculating principal and interest and amount remaining

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    Unhappy calculating principal and interest and amount remaining

    loan amount 4000
    term in month 24
    repyament freq forthnightly
    repayment amount 93.29
    annual interest rate 12%

    Loan Details excel:

    D1: Loan Amount: 4000
    D2: Loan Term (months): 24
    D3: Repayment Frequency: fortnightly
    D4: Repayment Amount: 93.29
    D5: Annual Interest Rate: 12%

    In excel table header
    G1: account_number
    H1: repayment_date
    I1: repayment_amount
    J1: amount_remaining
    K1: Principal
    L1: Interest

    account number | repayment date | repayment amount | amount remaining | Principal | Interest |
    | -------------- | -------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | --------- | -------- |
    | 123 | 1-Jun-22 | 93.29 | | | |
    | 123 | 15-Jun-22 | 93.29 | | | |
    | 123 | 29-Jun-22 | 93.29 | | | |
    | 123 | 13-Jul-22 | 93.29 | | | |
    | 123 | 27-Jul-22 | 93.29 | | | |
    | 123 | 10-Aug-22 | 93.29 | | | |
    | 123 | 24-Aug-22 | 93.29 | | | |
    | 123 | 7-Sep-22 | 93.29 | | | |
    | 123 | 21-Sep-22 | 93.29 | | | |
    | 123 | 5-Oct-22 | 93.29 | | | |
    | 123 | 19-Oct-22 | 93.29 | | | |
    | 123 | 2-Nov-22 | 93.29 | | | |
    | 123 | 16-Nov-22 | 93.29 | | | |
    | 123 | 30-Nov-22 | 93.29 | | | |
    | 123 | 14-Dec-22 | 93.29 | | | |
    | 123 | 28-Dec-22 | 93.29 | | | |
    | 123 | 11-Jan-23 | 93.29 | | | |
    | 123 | 25-Jan-23 | 93.29 | | | |
    | 123 | 8-Feb-23 | 93.29 | | | |
    | 123 | 22-Feb-23 | 93.29 | | | |
    | 123 | 8-Mar-23 | 93.29 | | | |
    | 123 | 22-Mar-23 | 93.29 | | | |
    | 123 | 5-Apr-23 | 93.29 | | | |
    | 123 | 19-Apr-23 | 93.29 | | | |
    | 123 | 3-May-23 | 93.29 | | | |
    | 123 | 17-May-23 | 93.29 | | | |
    | 123 | 31-May-23 | 93.29 | | | |

    what i need to calculate is the amount remaining and pricipal and interest for each repayment date in excel i have tried a few things but it doesnt work note the repayment amount should not change please if someone can help me calculate i tried getting some information

    K2 (Principal): =PPMT(D5/24,ROW()-1,D2,-D1)
    L2 (Interest): =IPMT(D5/24,ROW()-1,D2,-D1)
    J2 (Remaining Amount):

    but this does not work for me when i try to use this formula =PPMT(D5/24,ROW()-1,D2,-D1) it gives me an error saying something is wrong in the formula.
    please find attached:
    sample data.xlsx
    Last edited by kunz398; 11-01-2023 at 05:12 AM.

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