Good morning Hans,
thank you again for your help!
I've just implemented your formulas to my worksheet - it looks great so far! I really like the IFERROR for the special requirements. I have changed the "-" to "no B-Terms necessary" and it seems to be quite professional already
The only thing missing which would make it perfect is, if we are able to add multiple safety precautions for one room and one safety precaution.
For now if we look for example at room two and try to handle "Organische Peroxide CD" we can do this, but we have two additional safety precautions:
- 5: not allowed to be warmed
- 7: need to be in room 9
As long as my database contain these to numbers as "5,7" excel thinks that this is one number and not two.
So we get room 2 with no additional safety precautions because 5,7 is not existing (although 5 and 7 is in the database)
Is there a way to fix this? Maybe if we us a combination of numbers and letters to differentiate between for example 5 and 7?
Thank you again for your tremendous support,