I have a large (1000's of rows, 100's of columns) data set that is like a validation of permissions. The different columns are the different roles in the organisation, but they start at column 15 as the first 14 columns contain the access descriptions listed vertically in the rows (1000's of them).
Thus the Yes/No/NA data will start in cell O2.
The first 14 columns describing the access is because of different modules, areas, focus areas etc.
What I have is a drop down list of the roles (O1:GE1) on a new sheet) which, when each role is selected in turn from the drop down list, it will display the 14 column set of access descriptions for when that role has a Yes, and then underneath all of those, the 14 column set of access descriptions for when the role has No.
I posted the question of how to achieve this some time ago and was helped out wonderfully by people here.
New question:
I have to now add in a text field (instead of just Yes or No or NA) that needs to be listed above the yes and no data.
After each Module I'm putting in a summary (so the people using the spreadsheet don't have to scroll through 1000's of rows to get the info they need).
I can do an index/match with the Role at the top and the 'Summary' cell to display the summary text field, but I also want the leading cells before it says Summary (see attached sample spreadsheet) as well as how to list several Summaries (as some roles will have approx 80+ summaries by the end of it!)
I then need the original Yes/No listing (the red and green cells in the sample sheet attached) to list underneath the summaries. As some roles will have 2 or 3 summaries and others have 80+, it needs to be dynamic so I don't get a spill error
Does this make sense? Hopefully!
Any help would be much appreciated.
I've attached a dummy spreadsheet with hopefully clear comments about what I need.
Thanks in advance!