GregShadbolt welcome to the forum.
Your post has been unanswered for 5 days now with 96 views. There is clearly interest. This is usually because instructions/uploads are not clearly presented.
Your samples give no indication of the results (meaningful output) you expect in columns F:J. This will likely need to be hand typed and uploaded in a new workbook. And please provide 4 or 5 examples.
In the meantime all I can do is guess what you expect and here is my guess in the attached. In F3 and copied down.
=IFERROR(TEXTSPLIT(FILTER(SEQUENCE(,LEN($B3)-2,2),MID($B3,SEQUENCE(,LEN($B3)-2,2),1)="3"),",",,TRUE,1,""),"No Major Errors")
Thanks in advance.