I have negative numbers in some denominators so I need to use this formula (for money year 2 compared to year 1). How do i also add in an iserror so if there's a #value or NA it is blank?
I have negative numbers in some denominators so I need to use this formula (for money year 2 compared to year 1). How do i also add in an iserror so if there's a #value or NA it is blank?
Last edited by dianaCatz; 02-15-2023 at 05:47 AM.
I am not an accountant or anything similar, but my impression is that most people don't really like to use "percent change" of any kind when one value is positive and one value is negative. I expect that the "best formula" to use in this situation is whatever best reflects what "percent change" means to you when one value is negative and one value is positive.
Originally Posted by shg
Notwithstanding the reply you've already received, I think the answer to your question is;
Last edited by Croweater; 02-15-2023 at 02:12 AM.
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