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Auto Check Flight Schedule

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    Auto Check Flight Schedule


    I have a crew schedule from which we do flight bookings. Once we have submitted the flight bookings, we adjust all of the cell colors to to purple meaning we are awaiting confirmation on this booking. We then receive a flight manifest which shows all of the confirmed bookings. We then compare the manifest to what we have in the schedule and if the booking is correct, we change the colors to blue. I would like a way for excel to auto compare the manifest to the schedule and if the bookings are correct, automatically change the color to blue (I am assuming this will need to be a macro). Below are additional variables:

    - There are 4 hub locations to be confirmed; YEG, YYC, JHL, YMM
    - There is either AM (00:00 - 11:59) or PM (12:00 - 23:59) travel times
    - FI = Fly In, FO = Fly Out, DI = Drive In, DO = Drive Out
    - One would only drive in or drive out of YMM, there is no flights
    - You would notice that some fly in's are red and others are purple. Red cells would not need to be adjusted.
    - in the manifest i have attached i have noted which bookings are correct and which are incorrect. You see for Fredrick that his fly in booking time is incorrect compared to the schedule. With his inbound being incorrect, none of his booking colors would change.
    - The schedule i have provided shows what i would like as a result for a correct booking under John Doe.

    There are a few more variables and functionality i would like to add to this but i a believe this would be a good start and give me an understanding on how to make this work.
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