Dear all,

Sorry to barge into this forum just like that. I'm trying to find a solution for something for quite some time now.

It seems a similar question or variation to the thread called: "Formula to spread cost across years based on the start date and no. months in the peri"

What is want however is to devide the income of several projects over years, with start and end date that can run accross years and relative to the amount of months in each year.
The orange columns (Project size, start and end date) are populated manually, the rest should be automatic.

In the attachment it is made clear (hopefully) what I'm looking for. I hope to solve this puzzle that is buggin me for quite some time.

Attachment 801163

Any help is appreciated!

By the way, not sure if it bares any relevance. I use Excel for Mac, running version 16.66 on a MS365 Subscription.
So not sure if I can use all formulas (e.g. Datedif isn't known to my excel, but Xlookup not sure).