Then I would suggest using what I offered as checks next to your data at all times so that you are aware of the overlap.
I also recommend if you know you want the data with LESS DIGITS to be called upon that you sort your data A-Z but that has to be an operational understanding to the point of knowing that this is what you would "Always" want for results...
If there is a point in which you would say...well this time I want the short reference, but on this next one I want the longer reference...then you need to identify what it is you truly want out of the data
That forward slash is a delimiter on your data and you could reduce the data down to the section you want.
There are more elegant ways to extract that, and I am sure someone here will call it out... but for now this will extract the value that is between the first and second forward slash "/"
Added this to your table and called it NewReference
Then you can use the new column for that XLookup
Only now we can drop the wild cards because we have stripped it down to the value itsself
Again, if there is more than 1 reference with the exact match you will want to sort the data in a way that returns what you want... but this eliminates the spaces and overlap if they are truly unique values where one is an extended version but is its own
Same goes for the check values... they dont need the wild card making it more specific!