I created a conditional formatting rule that compares the mileage derived from the odometer data on the left of the spreadsheet (column J) to the total state miles entered in the right side of the spreadsheet (column AF) and highlights the cell on the right when it does not match the cell on the left (see image below). This has been working just fine for a couple years. However, lately the highlighting rule has started to highlight the cell even though it does match the cell on the left (it's supposed to only highlight when the two cells don't match). The only change that has happened is that we started entering the mileage in tenths of a mile instead of whole miles previously. The cell number formats have always been formatted with one decimal point, but we previously only entered whole miles.
I don't know why this should affect the highlighting rule, but that has been the only change. I have checked and double checked everything else, but I cannot figure out why this is occurring. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have attached a small sample file for your use (the affected cells are AF197 & AF204 on the "#41" tab).
Thank you.
Highlight Problem.jpg