I am downloading a CSV from Stripe (credit card payment processor). All values are in the first column. I am using the Text to Column to move each value in to its own column.

The column "Fee" allows some values to stay the same, but changes other values to a date format.

What I have tried:
  • Change the cell format to Number, but that causes those cells with the date format to be a completely different number
  • When doing Text to Columns, make that column text. That does not allow me to use the SUM function
  • Type "1" as a number format in another cell, and "Paste Special" to multiply all values by 1. That gives me the result like the first...change the number completely

Can someone please let me know how to change the text to column, but keep the values in the "Fee" column the correct value? There are several screenshots attached to help bring clarity

Thank you very much!

Showing No Sum Function:
No Sum Function.png

Setting Column as General
column as general.png

Showing the Fee is showing up as a date. (not in screenshot, all values under $1.00 fee show up as the appropriate decimal value)
fee as date.png

Changed value to number (after it showed up as a date) and now the value is way way off!
changed to number.png