I have created a self-marking worksheet so colleagues can answer questions and, with the use of =IF it will give 0/1/Unanswered.
I want to create a second worksheet with a different set of questions, but when I create a new worksheet, and rename it, whenever I try and reference a cell (or set of cells) from this new worksheet it returns a "#REF!" error. (See Core!L12 for example)
Original worksheet created - all working fine
Second worksheet created, Try and get Worksheet2!D4 to display in original worksheet - all working fine
Rename Worksheet2 to New, try and get New!D4 to display in Original Worksheet - #REF! is displayed
The #REF! is shown if I try and reference a single cell, a group of cells, or create a =sum pulling data from "New" onto original worksheet.
I have tried recreating "New", but as soon as I rename it, it get the error.