Hopefully a quick one to solve! I have a list of customers. In one column is their name. In another column, their date of birth. For example, Jane Jones and 03/04/1968. I want to HIGHLIGHT which customer has a birthday coming up in the next month. Because of the spreadsheet layout and data in other columns, I don't want to keep sorting the sheet by the date of birth column.

Using Conditional Formatting, what formula could I write to get any imminent birthday to "pop up", say, in colour or as highlighted text.

For example, as we're currently in March, I would like to have a quick visual reference as to who has a birthday coming up in, April, and so on.

John Smith ............. 28/11/1972
Jane Jones .............. 03/04/1968
Mary Turner ............ 19/07/1958

I can see how to do it if all the dates are in this current year (2022) but I'm confused as to how to proceed, with every birthdate having a different year! All I want to do is select by the MONTH, not the year.

Many thanks
Terri H