I'm having an issue importing a CSV that contains multiple fields (columns) and rows of data. One field contains comments. Some of the comment cells contain very long text. I noticed that the rows that have these long text comments cause the cells to the right of it to not load, even though there is data for those cells in the CSV file.
I tried to use the import wizard to not load the comments field at all but it still causes the cells to the right of where the comment field used to be to not load. I also tried to mark the column as a Text field but that also didn't work.
Essentially, I'm trying find rows that are missing values for a specific field. Unfortunately, that field is to the right of the comments field which is now giving me incorrect data when sorted.
Is there any way around this or another application that can load such data without ignoring cells after it?
EDIT** Sorry I'm new to this and didn't know how to attach, you'll find a duplicate post of the attachments below. My apologies.
I attached two files as requested. The CSV which contains the data. You'll see that the first line has a very long text field for comments but there is a delimiter at the end and the Path field and Text field is present.
When importing, the file should be Unicode UTF-8 and the delimiter is ÿ (Ascii 0255).
The second file is the result after importing the CSV. You'll notice that the Path and Text field have no data for the first row, even though the data exists in the CSV.