Hi there,
Take a look at the attached version of your workbook and see if it does what you need. It uses the following formula in Cell H9 of worksheet "Sheet2":
=A9 * IF(B9 = "YES", B$1, NOT(B$1)) * IF(C9 = "YES", B$2, NOT(B$2)) * IF(D9 = "YES", B$3, NOT(B$3)) * IF(E9 = "YES", B$4, NOT(B$4)) * IF(F9 = "YES", B$5, NOT(B$5))
This formula is copied downwards as far as Cell H14.
Cell B23 of worksheet "Sheet1" contains the following formula:
=IF(MAX(Sheet2!H9:H14) = 0, "Not Defined", MAX(Sheet2!H9:H14))
It should not be too difficult for you to expand the above logic to cater for additional texts and combinations.
Hope this helps - please let me know how you get on.
Greg M