So do you want the values in column A to stay the same but the background cell colour to change depending on which one of those 3 colours you pick for it?
In other words If I pick cell 'look into' for cell A1 do you want cell A1 to still show 'some information 1' but have a background colour of that shade of yellow? Or something different?
If so, this simple piece of code will do what you need (also see attached).
If the message is too annoying that can be removed. Also you may want to change the colour range and column/range.
Right click the sheet tab, select 'view code' and paste this macro in the window that appears.
Option Explicit
Public ColourExpected As Boolean
Public CellToColour As String
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Const ColumnToColour As String = "A:A"
Const ColourSelection As String = "F1:H4"
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Not Intersect(Target, Range(ColumnToColour)) Is Nothing Then
ColourExpected = True
CellToColour = Target.Address
MsgBox ("please select your colour from cells " & Left(ColourSelection, 2) & " through " & Right(ColourSelection, 2))
Exit Sub
End If
If Not Intersect(Target, Range(ColourSelection)) Is Nothing Then
If ColourExpected Then
Range(CellToColour).Interior.ColorIndex = Target.Interior.ColorIndex
End If
End If
ColourExpected = False
CellToColour = ""
End Sub