Hello everyone,
I need some assistance with a formula that I am using. The problem is that every time I try to pull values >=150000 my formula returns values lower than that. Below you can find my formula.
=IFERROR(INDEX(Table165[Customer Ship-to-Name],AGGREGATE(15,3,((Table165[[#All],[Customer Type]:[Customer Type]]=$S$5)/(Table165[[#All],[Customer Type]:[Customer Type]]=$S$5)*(ROW(Table165[[#All],[Customer Type]:[Customer Type]])-ROW(Table165[[#Headers],[Customer Type]])/(Table165[[#All],[Company]]=$T$6)*(Table165[[#All],[Currency USD Sales 2021]]>=150000))),ROWS($S$6:$S6))),"NONE")
I would really appreciate if someone could give me an advise or solution.