I'm sure this is obvious but I don't understand why the data shown in the cell is differs to the formula bar ?
What should be in B1 is: 06:59:14.9
Pointers really appreciated
CSV Attached
Kind Regards
John B
I'm sure this is obvious but I don't understand why the data shown in the cell is differs to the formula bar ?
What should be in B1 is: 06:59:14.9
Pointers really appreciated
CSV Attached
Kind Regards
John B
Please update your profile with your current version of Excel.
Your bespoke formatting for that cell is mm:ss.0. This affects what you see in the cell, but the formula bar shows the underlying (real) value.
Enthusiastic self-taught user of MS Excel who's always learning!
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B1 has been formatted as mm:ss.0
So... you are seeing the minutes:seconds:decimal seconds. There are NO hours in the CSV that you uploaded, so even if it is changed to hh:mm:ss format on the CSV it just shows 09:59:15
So, I can not reproduce your issue in full.
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Thanks, i see the point about the formal of the cell etc and now that I have changed the cell format all is well
John B
You're welcome.
It would be very nice if you were to just click the Add Reputation button at the foot of any of the posts of members who helped you reach a solution.
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