I have a userform that contains a textbox/spin button combination.

I want the user to select a value between 1 and 50.

I've set the value of the textbox = 0 and SmallChange value of the SpinButton to 1.

I default the textbox value to 0 to ensure that the user has to set set it to some non-zero value. If they attempt to submit the form with 0 units, it alerts them that the value must be greater than 0 to continue.

The problem is, when the user clicks on the up spin button the first time, the value of the textbox jumps from 0 to 2 (skips 1). If the user wants to select 1, they have to backtrack and click the down button once.

After that, the button works exactly as it should incrementing or decrementing by 1 each time either button is pushed.

What am I missing???