
Semi-newbie questions:

My workbook has data about garden bulbs - 11 columns, 100+ rows; Sheet 1 = data sorted by Name.

I have 5 additional worksheets, each sorted by a different column (color, height, etc.). I created these by doing each sort on Sheet 1, then copying & renaming the new worksheets. I know creating cell references was a better way to go, but I'm not sure which kind of reference I need, nor the best way to make that happen. I also don't know how to tell each sheet to sort on its own column. Help please!

After I get that done with the existing data, I want to do a 2021 update, adding new rows and deleting others. What will happen on Sheets 2-5 when I make changes on Sheet 1? Is there anything else I will need to do to make it work or will it all happen automatically?

