Hoping for some help on a formula that we need to help grade our Maths students this year, only on topics that we have taught that are in the final tests, but allowing extra credit if they do score well on some of the topics not taught.
I have attached a mock-up spreadsheet of the scenario. I have included 5 students, in the green on the right are their scores for each question. Above each question, there is a label of C or E standing for Core and Enhanced respectively. As well as the marks for that question. The 'Core' questions are those that we have taught the subject matter for, the 'Enhanced' are those we have not.
I have got a formula working fine for calculating the students Core marks and Percentage, but it is the enhanced I am stuck on.
The concept of the enhanced marks is that for each enhanced question that a student answers, it will only be counted in the total enhanced marks and percentage if it will improve their core percentage.
So say for example a student has scored 8/16 on the core questions so has a core % of 50%. If they then scored 1/4 on an enhanced question, we will ignore this as it will lower their overall percentage. However, if they scored 3/4 of 4/4 on an enhanced question, then we would include it. So lets say the student scored 3/4, their enhanced mark would become 11/20 and enhanced percentage therefore 55%.
I have entered in how the results should look manually, I have left blank the space that I have been using to try and make a formula to achieve this..
I have been wondering from a bit of googling if maybe it should look something like this in cell F4
I was hoping that this would first check if the question was an 'E' type question, then if that is the case, divide the mark scored by the mark available for the question and compare this result to the core percentage. If it was greater, include it in the sum.
Once the formula for the mark is sorted, I would think the formula for the percentage should follow fairly easily.
Any help would be very much appreciated.