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Help testing statistical significance with percentages

  1. #1
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    Exclamation Help testing statistical significance with percentages

    I've never taken stats, so i'm a bit lost.

    I'm looking to stat test my survey results to understand if there's any meaningful differences between how males and females feel about a particular brand.

    I have the sample size for each gender, and their % score, but i'm looking for a quick way to check if the two percentages are stat sig at a 95% confidence level.

    I know excel has the analysis toolpak, but i can't seem to get any to work properly with just the values i have.

    Any help would be appreciated!!
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  2. #2
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    Re: Help testing statistical significance with percentages

    I'm not sure any of us on here is sufficiently expert in statistics to give a definitive answer on how to perform your analysis. If you've never taken stats, I would recommend starting with some basic information on hypothesis testing and then branch out into the different hypothesis tests.

    This might be as good a place as any to start: https://stattrek.com/hypothesis-test...s-testing.aspx Be sure to spend enough time with this so you understand null and alternate hypotheses, type I and type II errors, and so on.
    Continue through stattrek's lessons, and when you get to lesson 3 (https://stattrek.com/hypothesis-test...px?tutorial=ap ), there are links to several examples -- including a "difference between proportions" test example, that includes examples based on how men and women respond differently to medication that could provide a good model to follow in your analysis.

    Once you have a reasonable understanding of the statistics and an analysis plan you are comfortable with, note that Excel has several built in functions and tools that can help with hypothesis testing. Functions like NORMDIST(), NORMINV(), ZTEST() might be useful for calculating Z scores and P values if you decide to perform your analysis based on the z (normal) distribution. Other functions related to other distributions and tests can be found here under "statistical functions" https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/...rs=en-us&ad=us

    We are usually pretty good at programming things into Excel, but we don't always know your specific field. If you will spend some time understanding the statistics, then help us understand the details of the statistical test you wish to perform, we should be able to help you program that test into Excel.
    Quote Originally Posted by shg
    Mathematics is the native language of the natural world. Just trying to become literate.

  3. #3
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: Help testing statistical significance with percentages

    Exactly what are the numbers a percentage of??

    None of us get paid for helping you... we do this for fun. So DON'T FORGET to say "Thank You" to all who have freely given some of their time to help YOU

  4. #4
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    Re: Help testing statistical significance with percentages

    its the % of ppl who like KIA (the car brand).


    Affinity --> % of ppl who like the KIA brand
    Awareness --> % of ppl who are aware of the KIA brand
    Consideration --> % of ppl who consider purchasing the KIA brand
    Familiarity --> % of ppl who are familiar w/ the KIA brand
    Purchase Intent --> % of ppl who would purchase the KIA brand

  5. #5
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: Help testing statistical significance with percentages

    So, it is a simple binary choice.. "DO you like XXX Yes or No"?

  6. #6
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    Re: Help testing statistical significance with percentages

    each question is based on a likhert scale

    for affinity, the options are love, like, neutral, dislike, hate
    for awareness, extremely aware, very aware, slightly aware, somewhat unaware, extremely unaware


    the percentages are based on the top-2 box choice. so for affinity, that percentage is those two chose love & like. For awareness, it's those who chose extremely & very aware.

    i found a tool (https://epitools.ausvet.com.au/ztesttwo) that does 2 sample z-test based on proportions looking at 1-tail, so i've been using that, but not sure if its the right approach

  7. #7
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    Re: Help testing statistical significance with percentages

    As near as I can tell, that calculator is using the same sequence of calculations in the stattrek lesson that I pointed you to earlier (https://stattrek.com/hypothesis-test...px?tutorial=ap ). If you decide that is the right approach (or maybe just one of many possible right approaches), the formulas given by stattrek could be entered into Excel.

    As for deciding if this is a valid approach, that is more of a statistics question that I'm not sure if we can answer for you. Your problem seems similar to the examples given for this kind of hypothesis test, but I also know that there can be other considerations.

  8. #8
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    Re: Help testing statistical significance with percentages

    Appreciate the help

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