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Create a weekly course schedule

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Mikeuoft Create a weekly course... 03-16-2021, 08:06 PM
alansidman Re: Create a weekly course... 03-16-2021, 08:15 PM
Mikeuoft Re: Create a weekly course... 03-17-2021, 10:18 AM
JeteMc Re: Create a weekly course... 03-21-2021, 09:12 PM
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    Create a weekly course schedule

    Hi excel experts!

    I want to create a schedule that shows our undergraduate and graduate courses by day over the week to identify the scheduling overlaps.

    Is there a way to have a workbook with one tab listing the courses, days, times, course code and name, and prof. And a second tab with the days of the week and hours with courses showing by day?

    I found this thread about autofilling a calendar (excel-general/1101230-how-to-build-auto-fill-calendar-on-excel.html) which is close to what I want, but I don't need the full month, only 1 week.

    - time duration...maybe replacing the 1 - 10 on the left hand side?
    - colour coding to distinguish between undergrad and grad
    - courses listed on the same day at same time or overlapping time to somehow show side by side
    - ability to filter based on criteria in columns on source tab (ie. filter by Session, Course code, instructor...etc)

    Below is a mock up of an idea but I don't know how to get the week to populate automatically. I have about 110 courses so I expect the schedule tab to be a big worksheet. I'm also open to only having the course code listed on the day and time.

    Any advice or suggestions appreciated.


    P.s. thanks alansidman!
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    Last edited by Mikeuoft; 03-17-2021 at 10:16 AM. Reason: adding content

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