I have a column filled with text that's hyperlinked, and i want to collect the url from those hyperlinks (that fulfills a "Pass" requirement) to another column; In order to get the url from the hyperlinks, and following a solution online, i created the following macro:
Function GetURL(rng As Range) As String
On Error Resume Next
GetURL = rng.Hyperlinks(1).Address
End Function
And wrote the following function on the column i want to write urls on (In the "resume" sheet, D3):
Note: Selection! refers to a different sheet called "Selection".
This however, only returns the first URL value of the first "Pass" hyperlink, while i wanted it to return all URL values from all hyperlinks that "Pass".
Curiously, on another column ("resume", C3), using the very similar function:
Intended to return every text (not the url, but base text) from the same selection returns every single text that fulfills "Pass" (While leaving some empty cells for false values...).
Am I doing something wrong? Any help is appreciated.
The excel I'm using should be anexed.