I created the formula below to identify when the number in a cell is statistically significant because many statistical software apps will produce output that automatically adds an asterisk right of the number (and I have hundreds of lines of output to analyze which is why I created a formula I could use repeatedly). It worked perfect...or so I thought. I didn't use the file for about three months and when I went back to it, the formula stopped working everywhere in the workbook (it's in over 100 places). After spending way too much time debugging, I discovered it was because the formula now has "{" at the beginning and end (as though I tried to treat it as an array). They're in every instance of the formula in the workbook). I didn't make this change and nobody has access to the file other than me. Any thoughts on what caused this so I can avoid it in the future? The only systematic change I made during that time was to migrate all of my files to Microsoft OneDrive but I still open all of my Excel files locally. Thanks!

=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("*~*",INDIRECT(AD$2&ROW()))),(IF(AC$4="Log",IF(AC5="Log",("Ceteris paribus, if "&AB5&" increases by 1%, we would expect "&AB$4&" to change by "&(VALUE(SUBSTITUTE(INDIRECT(AD$2&ROW()),"*","")))&" percent."),"Ceteris paribus, if "&AB5&" increases by 1 unit, we would expect "&AB$4&" to change by "&100*(VALUE(SUBSTITUTE(INDIRECT(AD$2&ROW()),"*","")))&" percent."),"use DV non-log formula")),"not significant")