I'm creating a calendar, in which is going to be using a series of Excel, Word and much later down the line, Publisher files. All printed to a PDF master file for mass professional printing.

Currently, I am trying to find a way to define the colour "January" to a HEX of #C9706A, with the other 11 months having their own unique HEX colour code as well.

Because of memory problems I face, using the built in Colour Theme Manager doesn't work, as I can set the colour to what I require, but accent 1 means nothing to me when I'm looking for March's colour and very much means I cannot use this system at all for this purpose.

The Style Manager for Excel isn't as wide ranging as Word's (for obvious reasons), and because of this, doesn't fully seem usable.

Is there a way to define "January" with a colour value of "#C9706A" that could be applied to either 'colourable information' (ie border, fill, highlight, font, etc) or at least make it available with the defined name visible?