For Excel, its currently only Borders, but will soon also be Fill. I'm still trying to work out how to make this calendar fully automatic, but I haven't researched that part of the process yet.
The memory problems would be recalling which Default name the Colour Theme uses for which month, currently I've tried using one theme, which was a nightmare, and also tried using three themes for the months, but that means more work for me when it comes to printing. So for me, the Colour Theme Manager isn't a real solution, cos trying to remember that when I need it is a problem, as well as extra time to print the pages to pdf using different themes.
Never used macros for Excel, didn't know there was such a thing (unless that implies VBA, which I know nothing about).
Attached is a full copy of what I currently have at the moment. Unfortunately I haven't found a way to make the calendar fully automatic, so I have formulas in the sheet to help manually update it. I forget what the colour codes where from, but it was based on some theme that was 'popular' when I google searched it. They might be changed yearly, but for now, I will be happy to leave them as fixed.