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How can I close my currently open Excel without it saving ?

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  1. #1
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    How can I close my currently open Excel without it saving ?

    Office 2010,
    I have just seen excel place columns B to N into A wiping out all the text for the transactions whose prices were in B onwards, which were headed Jan to Dec in B to M and the totals in N.

    It would be stupid to close Excel as it would save that, as it is, unless it is saving as I work Excel (is it ?) in which case I am nuked, I need to close Excel without it saving everything I did and it did without me wanting what it did, open it (the good one) up again to see that page before this happened.

    Furthermore what happened there ?
    All I did was paste the text from row 20 into row 21 then I couldnt get rid of the 'crawling ants' so I hit esc, nothing, clicked another sheet, then went back and A had then received B C D etc all stuffed into A ! A is in fact now made up of columns, so at the very top is a wide grey cell A, next row says Subject, below that are columns with data from B onwards which still exists beyond the dark line at RHGS edge of A.
    If I click in the first of these columns that selected cell also at the same time is also selected in B, and as I tab right, I am seeing double selections, so its mirroring the columns B C etc in A !

    I clicked undo but no joy.

    I will keep excel minimised to taskbar until someone can help.

    I recall having this happen once before and had to research and rebuild an entire page again, took the entire day.

    What I do want to set up after getting out of this pickle is to STOP Excel saving without me wishing it, during use and when closing, as in all other progs I DECIDE TO SAVE, I do Ctrl S every so often when I am happy with what I want to save, else a prog can save the actions of a gremlin !

    Is there some place that incremental saves get made to during using Excel 2010, maybe I can look through those if there is no other way to get out of this pickle.

    Also I seem to have a limited number of undos, 2 and that was that, can I extend the number in preferences or would there have been more but the gremlin has denied me undoing its actions ?


  2. #2
    Forum Guru TMS's Avatar
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    Re: How can I close my currently open Excel without it saving ?

    Normally, when you close Excel, if there are any unsaved changes, you will be given the option to save the changes. If you (or the gremlins) have made changes that you don't want saved, you choose "no". That will, however, lose any changes you did intend to make.

    You could also try to open the file again. You should be told the file is in use and asked if you want to open a Read-only copy ... to which you can say "yes". Then save the Read-only copy with a new name and you have a backup copy.
    Trevor Shuttleworth - Retired Excel/VBA Consultant

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  3. #3
    Forum Guru TMS's Avatar
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    Re: How can I close my currently open Excel without it saving ?

    Assuming you do manage to get out of this situation with the file in one piece, I wold suggest you close Excel down, and maybe restart your computer.

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