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Turning an Excel file into CSV

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  1. #1
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    Red face Turning an Excel file into CSV

    Hello there!
    So I have this Excel file with information about different countries spread across the different lines. To input this information on this program I need this to be a CSV file. For what I understand, I need to display the information from each country which are on the different columns all in the same cell, separated by commas. I managed to do that with a =B2&","&C2&","&D2&..... (I have no idea if this is the right way btw). Now what?
    Would very much appreciate some guidance, in a veeeeeeeeeeery newbie language thaaaaaanks!

  2. #2
    Forum Guru TMS's Avatar
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    Re: Turning an Excel file into CSV

    Have you tried just saving the file as a .csv? That is, File | Save | choose CSV from the list of file types. You shouldn't need to concatenate the data into one cell.
    Trevor Shuttleworth - Retired Excel/VBA Consultant

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  3. #3
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    Re: Turning an Excel file into CSV

    Yes I did that.. but so any application that needs data to be on a CSV format will be able to read the data, even if it is separated in the different cells, as long as it is saved as a CVS file?

  4. #4
    Forum Guru TMS's Avatar
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    Re: Turning an Excel file into CSV

    When you create a CSV file, each row of data will become one record in the CSV file. The data in the cells will appear in the row separated by commas. If you have empty cells, you'll get two commas.

    Have a look at the attached examples. One is a sample from another thread, the second is the same file saved as a CSV file. View it in NotePad.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #5
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    Re: Turning an Excel file into CSV

    So I did "save file as" and chose "CSV (separated by commas)", but my new CSV file still has all the data in the different columns, not separated by commas. The only difference is that it erased all the formatting (colors and such). And I also get a message from Excel stating a "possible data loss" or something (loosely translated). That's why I thought I had to concatenate the data into one cell myself.

  6. #6
    Forum Expert romperstomper's Avatar
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    Re: Turning an Excel file into CSV

    Open the CSV file in Notepad and you will see that it is correctly laid out. CSV files are plain text and don't contain formatting.
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  7. #7
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    Re: Turning an Excel file into CSV

    Ohhh yes ok.. that was it then! Thanks both!

  8. #8
    Forum Guru TMS's Avatar
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    Re: Turning an Excel file into CSV

    You're welcome.

    As rorya and I both said, view the file in NotePad. Often, if not always these days, CSV files default to opening in Excel. In which case, the data should appear in the same cells/rows/columns, which is what you want, and without formatting, which you (and the other programs) don't need.

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