'# Arguments:
'# vs = value sought, a delimited list of codes
'# ra = lookup table, matching codes in vs against 1st column of ra, categories in 2nd column, values in last column
'# id = 'input' delimiter for codes in vs
'# od = 'output' delimited for values in last column of ra
'# Propagates error values in any of the arguments. Returns Empty if no items in vs match 1st column of ra.
Function multilookup( _
vs As Variant, _
ra As Variant, _
Optional id As String = ", ", _
Optional od As String = ", " _
) As Variant
Const DD As String = " ; "
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long
Dim rc As Variant, rv As Variant
'# propagate errors
If IsError(id) Then
multilookup = id
Exit Function
End If
If IsError(od) Then
multilookup = od
Exit Function
End If
If IsError(vs) Then
multilookup = vs
Exit Function
'# use only 1st item if vs is range or array
If IsArray(vs) Then
For Each rv In vs
vs = rv
Exit For
Next rv
End If
vs = Split(vs, id)
End If
'# propagate errors
If IsError(ra) Then
multilookup = ra
Exit Function
'# note: assumed to be n-row by 2- or 3-column
If TypeOf ra Is Range Then ra = ra.Areas(1).Value
End If
ReDim rc(1 To 2, 1 To 4) '# initial guess
k = 0 '# for 2nd dim of rc
For i = LBound(vs) To UBound(vs)
With Application
rv = Empty
'# match items in vs against 1st column of ra
'# Split() above only produces arrays of strings.
'# If the fields are numeric, try numeric matching first.
If IsNumeric(vs(i)) Then
rv = .Match(CDbl(vs(i)), .WorksheetFunction.Index(ra, 0, 1), 0)
End If
'# If no match yet, try text matching.
If IsError(rv) Or IsEmpty(rv) Then
rv = .Match(vs(i), .WorksheetFunction.Index(ra, 0, 1), 0)
End If
'# If still no match, skip.
If IsError(rv) Then GoTo Continue
j = CLng(rv)
'# match 2nd column item in ra against 1st row of rc
rv = .Match(ra(j, 2), .WorksheetFunction.Index(rc, 1, 0), 0)
'# If no match, then new category to enter into rc.
If IsError(rv) Then
k = k + 1
If k > UBound(rc, 2) Then
ReDim Preserve rc(1 To 2, 1 To 2 * UBound(rc, 2))
End If
rc(1, k) = ra(j, 2)
rc(2, k) = ra(j, UBound(ra, 2))
'# Otherwise, existing category, supplement 2nd row of rc.
rc(2, rv) = rc(2, rv) & od & ra(j, UBound(ra, 2))
End If
End With
Next i
Erase vs
'# If no matches at all, return Empty.
If k = 0 Then Exit Function
rv = ""
For i = 1 To k
rv = rv & DD & RTrim$(rc(1, i)) & " " & rc(2, i)
Next i
multilookup = Mid$(rv, Len(DD) + 1)
Erase rc
End Function
I'm also attaching a workbook to show how it works.