Hi all,

I hope I am placing this in the right section - I was a bit unsure.

Something random keeps happening with a sheet.
In excel I get rid of gridlines and draw in the ones I want visible, which has always worked fine. All lines are visible. I then convert the document to PDF and for some reason it does not show certain lines, random ones - in the PDF doc. Please can anyone help me? Even when I go back to the excel sheet the lines are still there and visible, and I even draw over them again and save and convert, but still random lines disappear in the PDF doc (the same random ones so far)

I tried deleting all info inside the cells and re-saved and then converted to PDF and amazingly all lines were visible! But when I then went back in and re-typed everything, the same random lines disappeared when I converted it to PDF again.

Please see the doc I have attached - excuse the redaction - it's a work document. The areas circled in red are where lines are missing.

Please can anyone help?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
