I have a constant problem with Power Query in Excel 365 ProPlus.

When I open up Power Query Editor I get the following yellow prompt below the ribbon:

"To help protect your security, your web browser has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer. Click here for options..."


When I select 'Allow' from the drop down Power Query breaks and the menus skew over the page.

Then another prompt appears with the same yellow prompt: "Unexpected Error: Something went wrong. If the problem continues, please restart Excel"


Restarting Excel makes no difference.

I have changed the settings in IE 11:


This has made no difference.

I have repaired and reinstalled Excel which has also made no difference.

PQ still operates if I select nothing from the yellow prompt but it is extremely slow and freezes up.

Any suggestions to fix this would be most appreciated as Power BI is not workable with this constant error.