Hello Guys,
I have a challenge for you. Here is the situation:
I would like to have in let's call it Main Sheet, values that come from different Sheets. Let's call them Sheet2, Sheet3 etc.
The idea is to have a drop-down list in Main Sheet where I can select the other Sheet names and then the data appears (with some INDEX/MATCH).
I have used INDIRECT to refer to another Sheet. But the problem comes with the non dynamic part of INDIRECT namely the range.
What I would like is these ranges/cells to be dynamic so if I insert a row or column in another Sheet, it will automatically change, keeping the same data in Main Sheet.
Here is the formula:
If I insert a column in Sheet 2 before where the formula looks at to extract data (so $B$3:$B$6 for example), it will not understand because range will be locked while the actual data range would have moved to column C.
I don't know if it is possible to do it via Excel without VBA as it seems quite complex. I have attached a sample.
Let me know your thoughts
Many thanks