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Merge date and time column to compare with a single datetime column

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    Merge date and time column to compare with a single datetime column

    Hi Team,

    I have 2 date time values i need to compare to find a match.

    The first is split into separate date (column 1) and time (column 2). The second is a combined date and time in a single column.

    My thoughts were i need to merge the 2 columns into 1 and then compare it to the datetime column. I did that with:

    =CONCATENATE(TEXT(A2,"dd/mm/yyyy")&" "&TEXT(B2,"hh:mm:ss"))

    The values look the same format now in the 2 columns i have to compare but i'm not able to match them. I thought maybe it was because my combined column is a formula but even if i copy and paste it as a value and make sure the format cell option on both is the same custom format of "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss" it still doesnt work.
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