I have created a workbook with different sheets (about 5) and I want this to be used by different users as follows

1. Administrator: highest level: can access and edit all sheets and ranges
2. Staff Level 1: Can view one sheet (named Sheet_A1) only and can edit (input simple data only) in a specified range of that Sheet_A1, only. The Other sheets are hidden (xlSheetVeryHidden).
3. Staff Level 2: Can view one sheet (named Sheet_A1) only. No editing is possible. Other sheets are as above not visible (xlSheetVeryHidden).

I would like to create a user form as well, so that on opening the Workbook, the user is presented with a window prompting for a username and password.

I would be so grateful if anybody could give me some advice on how to construct this in Excel.
Looking forward to hearing from you.