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index match or vlookup match across multiple worksheets & get location of data

  1. #1
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    index match or vlookup match across multiple worksheets & get location of data

    please help - i've looked at several post answers and scoured the internet and can't figure this out. keep in mind that i know NOTHING about excel and i've spent hours on this. i'm thisclose to throwing my computer across the room and have screamed "i hate excel" multiple times. my neighbors think i'm crazy.

    sheet 1 is missing data in column E
    there are 15 sheets
    any of the 15 sheets may contain the data but it won't appear on multiple sheets
    column A has a unique ID code for each entry but that code may be used on multiple rows - the first match will have the data in column E - additional rows with that ID will be blank in column E

    1) When the ID in column A on sheet 1 matches the first mention of the ID in column A on any other sheet, I need it to return the corresponding cell contents from column H
    2) in a separate column i need to look up what other sheet has the ID from column A and return the sheet name

    thanks so much. my neighbors thank you as well.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru
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    Re: index match or vlookup match across multiple worksheets & get location of data

    Hello caluflower and Welcome to Excel Forum.
    Since you are using the 2016 version of Excel, you may be able to resolve the issue using the built in Get & Transform feature (Power Query).
    To be of any real help we need to see a sample of the .xlsx file with which you are working (instructions are in the banner at the top of the page).
    Let us know if you have any questions.
    Consider taking the time to add to the reputation of everybody that has taken the time to respond to your query.

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