Sub MakeTeams()
Dim Players(200, 3), TeamSize(10) As Integer, TeamRating(10) As Double
Dim i As Integer, r As Integer, j As Integer, c As Integer, ctr As Integer
Dim Numplayers As Integer, NumTeams As Integer, trials As Integer
Dim t As Integer, tc As Integer, MaxRating As Double, MinRating As Double
Dim MyText As String
' Written by Eric W. 1/9/2016
' How many teams?
NumTeams = Range("D2").Value
If NumTeams > 10 Or NumTeams < 2 Or Int(NumTeams) <> NumTeams Then
MsgBox "The number of teams must be an integer from 2-10."
Exit Sub
End If
' Read all the players and ratings
r = 2
Erase Players, TeamSize, TeamRating
While Cells(r, "A") <> ""
If r > 201 Then
MsgBox "The number of players must be under 200."
Exit Sub
End If
Players(r - 1, 1) = Cells(r, "A")
Players(r - 1, 2) = Cells(r, "B")
r = r + 1
Numplayers = r - 2
' Figure out the team sizes
For r = 1 To NumTeams
TeamSize(r) = Int(Numplayers / NumTeams) + IIf(r <= (Numplayers Mod NumTeams), 1, 0)
Next r
' Make random teams
trials = 0
While trials < 100
Call Shuffle(Players, Numplayers)
' Figure out the team ratings
t = 1
tc = 1
Erase TeamRating
MaxRating = -1
MinRating = 11
For i = 1 To Numplayers
TeamRating(t) = TeamRating(t) + Players(i, 2)
tc = tc + 1
If tc > TeamSize(t) Then
TeamRating(t) = TeamRating(t) / TeamSize(t)
If TeamRating(t) > MaxRating Then MaxRating = TeamRating(t)
If TeamRating(t) < MinRating Then MinRating = TeamRating(t)
t = t + 1
tc = 1
End If
Next i
' Max team rating - min team rating within the limit?
If MaxRating - MinRating <= Cells(2, "F") Then GoTo PrintTeams
' Nope, try again
trials = trials + 1
MyText = "Unable to find a valid set of teams in 100 tries." & Chr(10) & Chr(10)
MyText = MyText & "You may try again using a higher MaxRatingDiff or" & Chr(10)
MyText = MyText & "add more players to list or decrease the NumTeams"
MsgBox MyText
Exit Sub
' Print the teams
ctr = 1
For i = 1 To NumTeams
c = i * 3 + 6
Cells(1, c) = "Team " & Chr(64 + i)
For j = 1 To TeamSize(i)
Cells(j + 1, c) = Players(ctr, 1)
Cells(j + 1, c + 1) = Players(ctr, 2)
ctr = ctr + 1
Next j
Cells(TeamSize(1) + 3, c + 1) = TeamRating(i)
Next i
End Sub
' This team will randomly shuffle the players
' (It's really a bad sort, but with under 100 players, it should be good enough.)
Sub Shuffle(ByRef Players, ByVal Numplayers)
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim a, b, c
' Assign a random number to each player
For i = 1 To Numplayers
Players(i, 3) = Rnd()
Next i
' Now sort by the random numbers
For i = 1 To Numplayers
For j = 1 To Numplayers
If Players(i, 3) > Players(j, 3) Then
a = Players(i, 1)
b = Players(i, 2)
c = Players(i, 3)
Players(i, 1) = Players(j, 1)
Players(i, 2) = Players(j, 2)
Players(i, 3) = Players(j, 3)
Players(j, 1) = a
Players(j, 2) = b
Players(j, 3) = c
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub
Col I1 to I20 and everything to the right is used for teams creation. Nothing should be written in that area as it will be erased when creating the teams.