I'm trying to figure out how to return the first numeric value from a range, while also using a lookup value. In the attached screenshot, the rows represent three people who received numerical scores in 3 programmatic areas (housing, education, and health) in each quarter of 2019. Person 3 didn't join the program until Q2 2019. In the little mini table at bottom, I'm trying to return the first score received in each category by each person. I don't mean the Q1 score for each person, but rather the first actual numeric score they received. I'm using INDEX MATCH to do this. For example, cell G10 is like so:
=INDEX($B3:$M3, MATCH("Housing", $B$2:$M$2, 0))
The problem is, I don't want to return those N/A values for person 3, I want to skip over the N/A values and return the first numerical values in that range, so Person 3's "first scores" for housing, education and health should be their Q2 scores (3, 4, and 4). Can anyone help me figure out how to do this? Thanks very much in advance.