Hello, quick question please could you tell me how to average a range if range not blank. If range is blank then I would like to return a blank.
many thanks,
Hello, quick question please could you tell me how to average a range if range not blank. If range is blank then I would like to return a blank.
many thanks,
You could do something like thisFormula:
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Trevor Shuttleworth - Retired Excel/VBA Consultant
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Or maybe:
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English is not my native language sorry for errors
Please correct me if I'm completely wrong
Many thanks, both.
And a follow up question if I may. I am averaging a range that is populated via index match. the formula I am using is an array like this:
How do I prevent the average function I am using (thanks Willem) calculating on the blank "". At present it is counting the empty cells as 0.
Many thanks,
Hi Adame,
To ignore 0 (zero), try: =IF(COUNT(A1:A10)=0,"",AVERAGEIF(A1:A10,"<>0"))
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