Hello everyone!
I need some help figuring out how to work out a SUM formula that would "dynamically adjust" itself "auto adjust" itself when rows are added at the bottom of the sum range I have right now defined.
Here is a screenshot illustration (also the Excel workbook is attached):
So, for instance, as you can see I have a GROUP 1 (G1) and a TOTAL OF GROUP 1 (T1) rows. The basic idea is that cell I10 would SUM(I6:I9) but if I insert a row below Row 9, the sum formula would not include this added row. I remember having watched someone overcome this formula problem with OFFSET or INDIRECT and the result was that the formula would "self-adjust" to include the added row(s)... I can't really remember exactly where I saw this to be honest.
So basically I am looking for a formula that would find, for example, the G1 group and sum all the Total Amount column corresponding to its group which is defined by all the rows that are between G1 and T1, and the same for G2 an T2, and so forth...
I hope I was able to explain what I need, and I thank you in advance for the help!
Best regards,