
New to this forum. I work in healthcare.

I have an Excel issue I need to resolve. I have two columns of data. In Col A I have a list of 600 rows of unique zip codes. In Col B, I have the number of patients that live in that zip code. Example:

Zip Code Number of Pts
37362 25
37363 110
37365 14
37366 9
37367 62
37369 8
37370 14
37373 23
37374 13
37375 7
33928 1


If you sum the total of Col B, there are about 15000 patients with many living in the same zip code. I need to get all the zip codes in a single column, even if they are duplicates. I need to plot this out on a map to visualize the physical distribution of these patients.

Is there any way to do this in an efficient manner? I'm thinking of a macro but I'm not sure that's going to work.

For Col B values > 1, I'd need to add row(s) below based on the value of that cell minus one. So for Zip Code 37362, there are 25 patients. I need to insert 24 rows below and then copy the zip code from Col A in each cell below. I can do this manually but it would be very time consuming.

Any suggestions?