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Creating a form to create a database so I can extract relevant data to make other document

  1. #1
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    Cool Creating a form to create a database so I can extract relevant data to make other document


    I hope someone is able to help me out here.

    I receive registration forms from customers and currently use the information from them to make several different documents eg. sign in sheets, registers, medical information, contact lists, however this is very time consuming as people information changes regularly. I am trying to find a solution. I don't know if the best way may be having some kind of main database where I make any changes to existing customers or add in or delete customers as and when necessary. I was thinking of maybe having a form that I can use to input information received back from the customers registration form.

    Once data is all in the database, I wanted to be able to select relevant information to create other documents. I have been looking into macro/vba etc but just wanted to check if anyone knows the route I should go down so that I can research the correct way and not waste too much time!

    So open to any other ideas!

    Thanks so much in advance.


  2. #2
    Forum Expert torachan's Avatar
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    Re: Creating a form to create a database so I can extract relevant data to make other docu

    Relatively straightforward if you first give a lot of thought as to number of fields of info need storing.
    Using a UserForm much like the attached to gather your data in table format.
    Additional code can be added to cater for report/forms printing.
    Attached Files Attached Files

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