A little background:

We have a small family business and are doing our best to transition from paper to electronic. We are working with a company that is helping us get our customer database in order so they can put it into their system which would allow us to use their program and make our lives a billion times easier. They are requiring us to do certain things to the database to continue any further. I guess that's the terms they worked out with the bosses. I don't know lol.

Anyway, first on the list is separating all of our customers into zones based on Zip codes. We don't have a "tech guy" so I can't have him do it and I am 1 of 2ish guys that kinda did computer stuff in high school, ya know what I mean?

The Problem:

So picture a database with over 2,000 customers in rows. Then columns with things like Name, address, city, state, zip. When discussing this with the other sorta computer guy, I thought there was a way to pull entire rows based on a number and keeping them in alphabetical order. The number being the Zip code in this case.

I pulled up a map of Zip codes for my city. To make it simple lets just say our "Zones" will be North, South, East, West. All 2k+ customers will need to have an additional column added stating what zone they are in. Let's say I want to start with the Southern Zone. So I look at the map and it has zip codes 11111, 11112, 11113, 11114, 11115. Is there a formula that would search the database for those zip codes, pull all rows with those zip codes and separate them out? Here is my other problem, the finished database would then need to be put back in order alphabetically with that new Zone column.

The company we are working with wants other things done as well but this our main headache at the moment. We just don't have the budget for a tech guy :/

I could be completely wrong about a formula or function or even the method I am thinking about how to go about it. Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you so much for your time!