i have a problem all i want to do is convert 1.60 into minutes and seconds not sure how to do it, it should be approx 1 minute 35 seconds ,can anybody help thanks
i have a problem all i want to do is convert 1.60 into minutes and seconds not sure how to do it, it should be approx 1 minute 35 seconds ,can anybody help thanks
If you can give me the steps you would take to calc by hand w/pencil and paper, then I can show you the Excel functions for each step.
Ben Van Johnson
in laymans terms i have 738 pallets i loaded 66 vehicle's taking 7 seconds for each pallet giving me 462 seconds to load my vehicles.when i divide by the pallets i would like it to give me the time in seconds not a decimal does this make sense sorry about this
With 462 in some cell, say D10, then:
to get the whole minutes, in some other cell you use the QUOTIENT function:
i.e. 462/60 = 7 (mins)![]()
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to get the remainder, you will use the MOD fn in another cell, thus:
remainder of 462 divided by 60 is 42 seconds![]()
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If you don't intend to use the results in further calculations you can combine the two functions in one cell as a STRING:
7 min, 42 secs![]()
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If it takes 7 seconds for each pallet, how do you arrive at 462 seconds? 462 is the result of vehicles * seconds. But you said it takes 7 seconds to load a pallet, not 7 seconds to load a vehicle. What am I not getting?in laymans terms i have 738 pallets i loaded 66 vehicle's taking 7 seconds for each pallet giving me 462 seconds to load my vehicles.when i divide by the pallets i would like it to give me the time in seconds not a decimal does this make sense sorry about this
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If it takes 7 seconds to load a pallet, then
738 pallets * 7 seconds = 5166 seconds to load 738 pallets
Divide this by the number of vehicles to arrive at seconds per vehicle.
5166 seconds / 66 vehicles = 78.27272727 seconds per vehicle
If this result is in A1, then use
and format the cell with [hh]:mm:ss to arrive at 0:01:18
But if it takes 7 seconds to load a vehicle (mighty fast, I'd think!!), then the calculation would be:
66 vehicles * 7 seconds = 462 total seconds
462 seconds / 738 pallets = 0.62601626 seconds per pallet
That can't be expressed in a time value, since it's less than a second.
Which will it be?
Or perhapes this:
Never use Merged Cells in Excel
Assuming your existing formula is correct then you can simply divide the value by 1440 (ie 24*60)Originally Posted by dodger999
Apply format to E9 of mm:ss ... if you're interested in the ms then use mm:ss.000
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Thanks guys it was the divide part i used i did try that but forgot to format cell all solved
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