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Dynamic form (No VBA)

  1. #1
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    Dynamic form (No VBA)

    Hello all,

    I'm helping a friend to do a simple excel-based form template without using VBA.

    The idea is this:

    1. A simple form for ordering supplies. The catch for me is that each supply section has images as references for the user filling out the form. I've already formated a file to print or fill in excel (Tab 1 in the sample attached).
    2. The ideal next step is: after the user completes the order, the user then clicks something like an "order/complete/send" button. This command would then generate a summary of the order, with no images (on another tab), so the next user can print it (the summary). (see tab 2 in the attached file).

    I am not sure if this idea is even worth exploring because:
    a) the images are plenty and, I think, making this file cumbersome (I had to resize the file to attach it here, since the orignal file is already 1.2MB with just 6 pages); and b) I am not sure what process to follow when a new order comes in; do I create a template file and "save as" every time there is a new order? What if I need to add new items to the (template) form as they become available?

    Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

    PS: my first thought was to tell my friend to buy software to do this, but I am not sure if they are able to go for that option yet.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
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    Re: Dynamic form (No VBA)

    I think you are right that Excel may not be the best solution for your friend but would be possible. May be you can find a simple solution in the WEB most most probably not such a simple one. The task is better to be done in a database program like MS Access.

    A possible Excel solution:
    - The data collection for a summary is very simple with Power Query (no VBA needed, A button with a refresh command to trigger Power Query recalculation may be nice but not required)
    - if only a printout is required and all other information (stock in inventory, ...) is handled somewhere else I would only implement something which erases the current order information to be ready for the next order
    - add/removal/change of items should also be no problem because this is only relevant for the future

    ----- any additional requirements of a process may add more complexity ----
    ==> before starting any solution all requirements and flows must be fixed

    But this does not solve the problem with the size of the file if you add a lot of pictures (rescaling to smaller resolution ??)

  3. #3
    Forum Moderator - RIP Richard Buttrey's Avatar
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    Re: Dynamic form (No VBA)

    To be perfectly honest I doubt you can do this without VBA. You mention clicking a button but that of course implictly means invoking a VBA macro.

    The data entry form is just not in the sort of layout that could be addressed easily by formulae on Sheet2. You would stand a better chance if the data entry form was arranged in a standardised table so that you could pick Item Numbers or Item descriptions from a data validation drop down box and use a VLookup to populate the description (or vice-versa) and then enter the Qty in column C. In fact why don't you just use drop downs to populate sheet 2 and avoid sheet1. NOt sure how you might handle the images or how vital they are.
    Richard Buttrey

    RIP - d. 06/10/2022

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  4. #4
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    Re: Dynamic form (No VBA)

    gue2013 - yes, I thought of MS Access as well (I'm not too familiar with it, though). Thank you!

  5. #5
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    Re: Dynamic form (No VBA)

    Richard, I thought of a standardise table as well (my favorite solution to any data entry problem!), but don't know how to work the images there, which is something my friend wants. I'll have to have a chat with him and see if he can rethink what he's trying to do. Thank you!

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