Hello all,
I'm helping a friend to do a simple excel-based form template without using VBA.
The idea is this:
1. A simple form for ordering supplies. The catch for me is that each supply section has images as references for the user filling out the form. I've already formated a file to print or fill in excel (Tab 1 in the sample attached).
2. The ideal next step is: after the user completes the order, the user then clicks something like an "order/complete/send" button. This command would then generate a summary of the order, with no images (on another tab), so the next user can print it (the summary). (see tab 2 in the attached file).
I am not sure if this idea is even worth exploring because:
a) the images are plenty and, I think, making this file cumbersome (I had to resize the file to attach it here, since the orignal file is already 1.2MB with just 6 pages); and b) I am not sure what process to follow when a new order comes in; do I create a template file and "save as" every time there is a new order? What if I need to add new items to the (template) form as they become available?
Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
PS: my first thought was to tell my friend to buy software to do this, but I am not sure if they are able to go for that option yet.